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Privacy Policy


The PHILIPPINE DERMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY is committed to protect and respect your personal data privacy. This Personal Data Privacy Notice and Consent Form was prepared in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 together with its Implementing Rules and Regulations. It sets out our personal information protection to our members and individuals whom we deal within our organization.
Please note that we may amend this Data Privacy Notice and Consent Form at any time without prior notice and will notify you of any such amendment via our website or by email.

Privacy Notice

Personal Information

We collect and process the following personal information from you when you manually or electronically submit to us upon your application and in the course of your membership with PDS:

a.  Full name
b.  Permanent address
c.  Mailing address
d.  Email address
e.  Date of birth
f.  Civil Status
g.  Face/photo, fingerprints or handwriting
h.  Contact numbers
i.  Government issued ID numbers
j.  Clinic Details
k.  Professional Membership Details


The collected personal information is utilized solely for the following purposes:

a.  Application for membership in the Society
b.  Eligibility for written and oral examinations with the Philippine Dermatological Society
c.  Evaluation on the authenticity of all credentials for approval of membership in the Society
d.  Update and verification of status of membership in the Society
e.  Benefits of members in the exercise of their rights and privileges in the Society
f.  Coordinate and prepare activities for Midyear Convention, Annual Convention and Committee on Continuing Medical Education of the PMA and Continuing Professional Development by PRC
g.  Documentation of activities and archiving within the Society
h.  Disciplinary sanctions, such as censure, suspension or expulsion, after due investigation
i.  Application for Mutual Assistance Program of the Society
j.  Promotion and marketing of Society’s activities

The said data is not shared with any outside parties without your consent unless the law and our rules allow us to. We hold this personal information data and use it to monitor and report on your progress, and assess the status of your membership with the Society.

Protection Measures

Only authorized PDS personnel has access to these personal information, the exchange of which will be facilitated through email and hard copy. They will be stored in a database for five (5) years or as long as needed by the Society after which physical records shall be disposed of through shredding, while digital files shall be kept in our files for as long as necessary.

Access and Correction

If you have further questions or concerns regarding your privacy rights, this Consent Form or any matter regarding the Data Privacy Act of 2012, you may contact our Data Protection Officer through the following details:

The Data Protection Officer
+63 917 8840737